To be a great business person, you must be a great observer.
~ Ehab Atalla
Don’t make promises when you are motivated or happy. Don’t make decisions when you are nervous or upset.
Business is the school of life. Success in business requires success in living.
Think big from the beginning.
The more businesses you have, the less work you do.
The connection between you and any business is knowledge.
To be very wealthy, you have to program yourself as a machine with targets to reach.
If you don’t learn to control your mind, your mind will control you.
Common sense is a skill to learn, and it is the foundation of all good business.
There is always something better to do with your time and business. Always look for the next step for growth in your career.
Life is based on leverage. The more you know how to leverage life, the more successful you will become.
Wealth comes from multiple incomes. Always think of growth and new businesses to create new income streams.
If you see something working for someone else, and you are in the same business, more than likely it will work for you.
See the big picture and details of everything in your life (zoom out, then zoom in).
Know your margins, then focus on growing the business.
Business is a basketball game. The more tricks you know, the more points you score.
More important than your skills is picking the right business.
Forget perfect. Be quick. Quickness kills.
If you don’t plan to have someone work for you, you will work for someone else. There is no in-between.
You have to change your environment to serve your purpose.