Lift your eyes and look on the FIELDS (Jon 4:35),there are viable opportunities
~ Ikechukwu Joseph
People are your responsibility and character is the hidden powers that cause the miracle people
Stay with and pursue your dreams, and history will tell your stories in golden, glossy and embossed shining foils
You need to understand your potentials to transform it. look in to Yourself, upwards to God then outwards to your environ
Every problem has one immediate cause, many remote causes, long term and short term effects
The difference between the ordinary and extraordinary is the extra. Go the extra mile and enter your extraordinary success
You can create opportunity out of importunity.You can create prosperity out of adversity.U can create something out of nothing
a burning light(light having oil) will burn to a glowing light which will grow into a shining light to become an illuminator
Your ability to consummate Leadership or follower-ship brings fulfillment at each appointed time in life
It was the call for animals that have two horns that brought out the snail
Joseph went from prison toprime minister from trials to triumph, from scar-weary to stardom.