Hope meets a dead end when the only chance in sight comes to naught.
~ Pawan Mishra
Isn’t life a collection of weird quizzes with no answers to half the questions?
Kasturi was in the seventh month of gestating Coinman—a high-attention and high-priority stage of a pregnancy—a time that requires utmost care in bringing one life safely to the world without losing the other.
Had we not decided to perform this as gracefully as a dancer’s leap? But we turned it into a dinosaur’s dance party!
Discipline at the office had long been enforced by use of three methods: the meeting of the first kind, the meeting of the second kind, and the meeting of the third kind.
It was definitely a rare situation where a career had started and ended simultaneously on a very high note.
You can make any promises as long as you are not going to be there to fulfill them.
The hope is the best and the worst thing at the same time.
Coinman lets out another legendary explosive from his hindquarters!