Innovators are at their very heart visionaries who also have determination, dedication, passion and motivation.
~ Pearl Zhu
Agile and DevOps are for harnessing integration, interaction, and innovation.
The sociological organization is alive, holistic, vibrant, energetic, responsive, fluid, creative and innovation.
A tech-savvy Board sets a right tone for shaping the culture of innovation.
Innovation is too important to leave solely in the hands of the management team without any Board oversight or guidance
The Board needs to extend its insight and innovation lens via cognitive difference.
The BoDs play the significant role in both Management Innovation and Innovation Management.
The purpose of Innovation Management is not to promote innovation, but to manage innovation as a process.
Digital innovation has a broader spectrum with hybrid nature.
Innovation is a mindset, and that’s where governance comes in.
Breaking rules is indeed an important part of creativity. Innovation needs a level of guidance.
The digital Board will help set the principles to innovate talent management and embrace digital fitness.
People who can solve problems in a new way are the innovators.
Ingenuity is the ability to solve difficult problems, often in an original and creative way.
Intuition matters but, pay more attention to the unconscious bias.
Innovation is the only bridge to mind digital gaps.
Innovation is the art at the eyes of artist, the science at the mind of scientist, and the bridge between the art and science.
The discipline of focus that is necessary to think profoundly is certainly difficult for many people to achieve.
The problem of “Command-Control is that you can control people’s behavior, but not their mind.
Analysis and synthesis are different mental muscles to serve different purposes.
Ecosystem thinking is systematic thinking about ecosystem and environment.
Holistic wisdom is the hallmark of the holistic mindset.
Agile is more a “direction,” than an “end,” a philosophy and mindset at board level.
Digital fit” should be first defined as “mind fit,” and then following with attitude fit and behavior fit.
An accountability mind has learned to be agile, wise, courageous, resilient, and high-mature.
The right people have the right mindsets, they are high-positive, high-innovative, high-influential and high-mature.
A problem-solving mind focuses on keeping the end in mind, to solve PROBLEMS in optimal ways.
Digital attitude is about adaptability - being experimental and changeable.
Reflection is an underlining theme of Design Thinking.
There is a need to evaluate the performance of employees in a more objective and continuous way.
Unprofessionalism damages the business reputation and tarnishes the trust of society.
Employee engagement takes mind, heart and hands unification.
It is the time to tremendous awakening toward “inquisitiveness” with cross-cultural sharing through technology and inner insights.
You should always leverage performance and potential, look at the overall success of the company for the long run.
One of the reasons to see improved productivity in Agile is because of the simplicity principle.
Forward-thinking means to focus on the future, even a few steps ahead, to build the long-term prosperity.
A global mind thinks about interconnections and interdependencies and their impacts and consequences, both on a local and a global level.
A benchmarking mind is an “interpreter” mind which can bridge the gaps.
A high EQ mind maintains its composure whatever the situation, whether it is being glorified or vilified.
Complexity Thinking is best thought of as a way of continually generating multiple perspectives on issues.