Don't waste time. Don't let a minute pass doing nothing or doing something that is not as per your wish. Grab hold of each minute and do what you want to do.
~ Rvm
PEP up your Life with Positive Energy Power; a Power that comes from choosing emotions of Love and Faith, Hope and Courage, Confidence and Compassion.
Every day has 1440 minutes. Each minute is an opportunity to be unhappy or to Rejoice, to waste or to Value Life, or to just exist or Make a Difference.
Why waste Life trying to have more than what we need. Why not rather Enjoy Life by using what we have.
What is Fulfillment? Fulfillment is being Blissfully Content...with Pleasure and Peace… with Calmness and Courage…with Joy and Love.
Don’t Live Life as if you are meant to exist, many people do so. Instead, choose to Live as if Life is a Celebration.
One who lives with Faith says IT WILL HAPPEN, while the one who lives without it asks WILL IT HAPPEN?
Many people keep going round in circles. In the end, they find they are where they started.
To be Happier, Healthier, and Wealthier choose a Positive Mental Attitude. React and respond Positively. That’s the biggest wealth of life.
Whatever we do in Life, let us not forget to enjoy it. Life is a Gift and will soon end. We may have Goals and Aspirations, but we must enjoy every Moment of Life.
Those who have FAITH believe that the Sun will Rise. They don’t wake up in the morning and look out to see if the sun has failed them.
The wise respond. The foolish react. The wise think & then act. The foolish act and then regret.
You make the Choice and thereafter that Choice makes you. You create your Dream and thereafter that Dream creates you.
Remember, how you live your Life is far more important than how much you earn. Life soon ends. What matters is whether you enjoyed Life and Lived meaningfully.
When the toughest of problems strike me, I just remind myself that God is on my side.
To live peacefully just look up into the sky and watch how the clouds drift in total acceptance. Instantly, you shall find Peace.
Those who say – “I need Motivation” will never create Inspiration that will take them to their Destination.
To be happy, find out what is making you unhappy and change that. Reverse, RE-CHOICE and REJOICE!
Is it possible to choose your reaction to whatever happens? Yes, it is. Reaction is a CHOICE and we must consciously cultivate the habit of reacting Positively.
Move on! Move on! Don't let anything Stop you. Go on and make your Dreams come true.
Life is not a puzzle to solve. Stop, Enjoy the Journey!
In Life, while you must achieve and you must do your best to achieve, don’t forget to enjoy Life because the Journey will be soon over.
Do you have a clear Direction of Life or are you merely floating down the river of Life like a dead fish?
A woman was counting her grams of gold in Sorrow while another, who had nothing, still counted her Blessings in Joy. Happiness is not what you HAVE, but how you FEEL.
Even with all the Lace, you can't be an Ace without God's grace.
What a paradox! People hate to be miserable but choose to be miserable. Remember this the next time misery arrives.
The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Birds, the Animals, the Flowers are all proof that a Universal Power exists.
Why destroy this Morn, by a Past that is dead & Gone and a Future not yet Born!
The Challenge in Life is not to have the absence of Fear, but to have the Courage to overcome it.
Gloomy ones must learn to light the Fire of Inspiration – the Spark that will clear the Dark within.
People are so busy making money that they forget they will leave it all behind. When we depart, we only take with us the good we do in this world.
When I compare my Life with others who are less fortunate, I feel so blessed and grateful that I immediately stop complaining and start Living with Joy and Gratitude.
Don't try to live forever - You can't! But you can do things that will live forever.
Life is not a Race, but we still continue the Chase and try to be an Ace. It’s time to get out of this Maze and Truly Live with Grace.
Money is important, no doubt it is. But is it everything? That's the question we miss when we make our Choices in Life.
People ask – how can I enjoy life when I have problems? You may have problems, but you can still enjoy life and be Happy.
When someone influences you to think negatively, they take Charge of your Life and will lead you to Destruction.
Life is a choice. We can be truly Happy or miserable ! Or in-between .... We decide.
Learn to accept and bend like the willow. For if you resist, you will break like the oak.
Anybody can Earn and Die, leaving a will and legacy. Only the courageous ones can give away all they have while they are Alive.