Our popular music talks constantly about love, and yet divorce rates skyrocket.
~ Billy Graham
God is love” means that He tries constantlyto block your route to destruction.
What relationships need strengthening in your life? Don’t wait for them to grow cold or bitter, but ask God to help you strengthen them by putting God’s love into action—begin today.
[Christians] are commanded to love our neighbors, and the first step in doing this is to show a watching world that Christ reigns within us.
Agape love is selfless love . . . the love God wants us to have isn’t just an emotion but a conscious act of the will—a deliberate decision on our part to put others ahead of ourselves. This is the kind of love God has for us.
Until the Good News of Jesus Christ burst onto the human scene,the word love was understood mostly in terms of seeking one’s own advantage. Loving the unlovely was incomprehensible A loving God reaching down to sinful humans was unthinkable.
Scripture makes it clear that our first love is always to be for our Lord.
When you truly love someone, you want to please and honor them by the way you act. How you treat someone shows whether or not you really care about them.
If we truly love Christ, we will want to please and honor Him by the way we live. Even the thought of hurting Him or bringing disgrace to His name will be abhorrent to us.
True love is an act of the will—a conscious decision to do what is best for the other person instead of ourselves.
An unbelieving world may say otherwise, but so-called “sexual liberation” is actually sexual slavery—slavery to our own lusts.
Pornography is anything that depicts lewdness in such a way as to create impure thoughts and lusts. However, the sewers continue to flow, destroying the moral fabric of our society.
It has always been a mark of decaying civilizations to become obsessed with sex. When people lose their way, their purpose, their will, and their goals, as well as their faith . . . they go “a whoring.” It is a form of diversion that requires no thought, no character, and no restraint.
Why shouldn’t we have laws forbidding pornography and obscenity? Many heroic leaders have tried, but they have stumbled over even the definition of the word “obscenity.” If we cannot agree on the length of a foot, it is because we have lost our yardstick.
[Satan] has hundreds of agents writing pornographic literature and producing sex movies to pollute [the mind]. He has intellectuals in high positions teaching a hedonistic and permissive philosophy . . .They lack an anchor for their real self.
We are going through a sexual tempest, a bombardment provided by unprecedented exploitation of cheap sex by moviemakers, theater owners, publishers, and producers of pornography. [There is more] openness of talk about sex, acceptance of public nudity . . . homosexuality. Sex revolution, no! But sex pollution? Yes!!
Sex-centered magazines litter our newsstands . . . each edition trying to escape new laws from the bottom of the sewers. We put lids on sewer holes. Ought we not to do something about the pornography which is spewing out a polluted river of filth which can destroy us faster than any chemical pollution we seem so worried about?7
The serious student of the Bible cannot dismiss homosexual behavior simply as an alternate lifestyle. Nor can it be argued that homosexuals were “born this way” or that such behavior is an illness.
The greatest waste in all of our earth is our waste of the time God has given us each day.
Philosophically, war is an extension of man’s struggle with sin and evil in the world.
There is for each man a day, an hour, a minute. The Bible talks in many places about the brevity of life, and the Bible warns that we should be prepared to meet God at all times.
God has given us a message that is not only for past times and this time, but for all time.
Every day has exactly 1,440 minutes; can’t you find even ten of them to be with your heavenly Father? Doesn’t God deserve the best minutes of your day?
God can do more with a few days of your time if given completely to Him, than He can with a whole life characterized by a half-hearted service.
You can trust Christ at this moment. The Bible says, “Now is the accepted time” [2 Corinthians 6:2 KJV]. Don’t put it off. Don’t say, “I’ll think about it.” Don’t say, “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Do it right now. At this moment, say yes to Jesus Christ.
Allow the resurrected Christ to allocate your time as His own . . . and have complete right-of-way throughout your being.
If ever we are to study the Scriptures, if ever we are to spend time in prayer, if ever we are to win souls for Christ, if ever we are to invest our finances for His kingdom—it must be now.
How can men boast that they control their own destiny when they cannot solve the problems of war?
Modern war is the most highly developed of all sciences. We have perfected our weapons but failed to perfect the men who use them.
The Charter of the United Nations said in its preamble: “We the people determined to save succeeding generations from war . . .” Can the United Nations save the world from war? The answer is No! It was conceived and created by statesmen who knew little of the significance of the biblical concept of history and the nature of man. When the perspective is wrong, the whole viewpoint will be wrong.
The Garden of Eden was somewhere in present-day Iraq. The turmoil and war [we are witnessing] in that part of the world . . .is occurring in the land where God established the first perfect civilization.
If the human race would turn from its evil ways and return to God, putting behind its sins of disobedience, idolatry, pride, greed, and belligerence, and all the various aberrations that lead to war, the possibility of peace exists.
Scripture indicates that deception, false religions, and apostasy lead to war, and that war in turn leads to famine and pestilence.
We all have exactly the same number of minutes in a day. The question is, how will we use them? Most people today are either too busy—or not busy enough. The Bible tells us that both extremes are wrong.
War is only one facet of the larger problem of evil which has been with the human race since the beginning . . .This same evil tried to destroy the greatest human being who ever lived, nailing Him to a cross.
What is your story? Be ready to share it when the Lord gives you the opportunity.
Be a good witness by the way you live. The way we live is often more convincing than the words we say.
One faithful witness is worth a thousand mute professors of religion . . . Our faith grows by expression . . . we must share it—we must witness.
We witness in two ways: by life and by word . . . God’s purpose . . , after we have been converted is that we be witnesses to His saving grace and power. We are to be commandoes for Christ. We are to be minute-men for Him.
When brothers and sisters in Christ unite in the common bond of the Word of God and prayer, they are strengthened in their faith and witness.