Peace begins with you and your unconditional forgiveness.
~ Debasish Mridha
Peace is not a goal to achieve, peace is the way we desire to live.
War will not be able to bring peace—only love and forgiveness can do that.
You think that peace means that no one will fight. True peace is when you create peace within yourself leaving no one to fight.
Be an echo of peace not an echo of bullets.
Peace is an awful beautiful thing for life.
To find universal peace, teach yourself and everyone else to be kind, compassionate, and forgiving.
Peace is not the absence of violence or war; it is the presence of kindness, compassion, love, and care.
Choose to be happy and make inner peace your mission is the best way to live life. Now organize your life to attain these.
Peace should be the only highway of life that we should build all over the world.
Let us learn to see the beauty of life. Let us learn to appreciate and forgive. This is when we will find peace everywhere.
If your heart has no peace, then the value of your life is nothing.
If you can't find peace inside you, you will not be able to find it anywhere else.
It is impossible to find peace in the world if we can't create peace within ourselves.
Peace is simple, but it takes great courage to be simple and walk the path of peace.
Peace is not dramatic or exciting, it is only peaceful.
To find a peaceful world, a man of wisdom creates peace within himself.
We will find true peace only when we learn to see that there is no difference among ourselves, realize that we are different manifestations of one, and we love each other as brother and sister.
Don’t let any tragic event or any people pull you away from the path of peace. Be strong and attract others to your path toward peace.
Become a fountain of peace to spread the flow of joy to everyone.
It is easy to conform, but it takes great courage to stand up for peace.
I am always at peace even when I am in the midst of war.
Life will be peaceful if you can fill your heart with an abundance of love.
It is not important what others think about you, it is important what you think about yourself.
Do your best, don’t worry about the results of your test.
Until you know how to change yourself for the better, you cannot change others.
To get lost in the ecstasy and elegance of life, let me dive in the depth of love.
I may not know who you are, where you are, or where you will be after I have gone, but I still love you. I came to this world to serve all of you.
Be a success but never forget to be kind. Success has no meaning if your heart is empty of kindness.
Be a guiding light in the darkness of hatred.
Compassion is the highest form of love. Kindness is the best way to express love.
You attract others with your inner lights of positivity, love, and kindness.
To find yourself again and again, get lost in true love.
Magical morning lights, dreamy sky,Smiling flowers letting us know summer is opening her eyes
Let prosperity flow into you like the waves of love and kindness that fill your heart and mind.
Good morning is such a beautiful song, it begins the magic of a wonderful day.
To find prosperity in life, help others to prosper.
Be good to attract good.
Promise yourself that you will not leave this world before accomplishing what is important to you and what matters for the world.
A face without a smile is like a sky without a sun.