Just like watering the field will cause both the desired seed and the undesirable weed to germinate, the opportunities for your mission in life will be equally presented with real-life threats.
~ Archibald Marwizi
Whilst the greatest threat to your mission is the internal aspects within you, the external circumstances need to be covered against as well. Scan your external environment and circumstances.
The wisdom that comes from being conscious of the real threats to you and your mission will sharpen your deliberateness in decision & choice-making, associations and positioning.
Begin to grow in wisdom and develop an informed approach to more global issues around you and along your path to success and significance.
Everyone has the Capacity to Succeed…Ceteris Paribus!
The truth is that we all have what it takes to succeed and the fact is that not everyone will attain what they define success to be.
The reality of life and an imperfect world dictates that things cannot be held constant to guarantee your success; you have to wiggle your way through a planned path within a maze, to attain your goal.
Your success must never be left to others. You must be able to visualize it and see it through your own eyes, whilst others assist you to see it better and make it clearer.
If you cannot see it in your mind, then it becomes difficult to get. If you can personally visualize it, it becomes easier and more realistic to achieve.
Just because you cannot see it now, does not mean it is not there or not possible. See yourself succeeding and own that vision through all your planning and hard work.
Internalising success means that even if a misfortune takes away all the evidence or traces of success, yet what made you successful, remains. Soon enough, the evidence will return.
What makes you succeed must be possessed where it cannot be taken away. The internal capacity to succeed is more important than the external and temporal manifestation of success.
When success is internalized, no situation, no matter how bad, can convince you that you will not be able to attain your goal. You become adamant and refuse to give up.
You must not end your life because you failed an examination. Failing an examination or making a mistake does not make you a failure at life. The context of life is broader than that.
Taking your own life could become the ultimate failure, because you will be killing and closing the existing door to a chance that might have been waiting to lead you into another path.
Do not define your success in the context of just one situation or challenge you are currently battling or pursuing.
Your mind must be prepared to face some kind of ‘failure’ or mistakes – take the lessons, face the consequences even if embarrassing, and march on.
You do not reduce or eliminate your concerns by crying, shouting or proving you are the victim of whatever happened in your life.
As you grow and develop your talent and skill – you must begin to create a demand for what you possess as a personal brand.
Whatever you possess as an advantage over others, must be meticulously executed to produce desired results and progress.
Work, and not wishing, is what brings motion and results from your vision. Don’t be lazy. Try and try again, learn and practice, review and refine, then go back to implement again.
You must practice the discipline of a champion before you win the actual contest. The appointment and opportunity must then come to confirm what you have already become.
Roll-up those sleeves and work until you see the fruit of your labour. It takes Passion, Resolve and a Productive Work Ethic, meeting with Opportunity, for you to succeed.
Your unwillingness to change to my view point is purely on the justifiable basis that you have your own strongly held beliefs about important life issues.
Whatever you believe in, is true – at least to you! The question is, “How positive and empowering is it, especially in the face of adversity?
Even if the creative brilliance sparks only once, it needs to be accelerated and developed so it has self-sustaining strategies to continue adding value to both the initiator and those it serves.
Poverty might make you obscure, but if you continue churning out wisdom to solve more problems and challenges, you will neither remain poor nor die in obscurity.
Consistency and acceleration are both key to sustaining success. One-day-wonder persons who slouch back to mediocrity will soon be forgotten.
What are the beliefs that give life, spirit and passion to your dream and which values will guide your decisions and actions for you to be fulfilled by your own success?
Have a clear plan or strategy to translate your success philosophy into desired results. Adopt an effective work ethic, with a laser-focus and requisite execution strategies to produce results.
Don’t waste time. Avoid the company of wasteful people who lack the desire to achieve. Become assertive and action-oriented.
All around you, production must be taking place to bring you closer to realizing your defined success. Adopt a personal responsibility attitude to enable the realization of your dreams.
Be in love with what you do. Love wisdom. Love life. Love people. God is love.
Do not seek success just for the sake of succeeding or for self-gratification. Seek a life of impact and significance.
Plan for the sustainability of your success so that you do not drift back to failure and mediocrity.
Do not plan to die, do not plan for the death of your name or your influence - rather, plan for the resting of a life well lived. Make an eternal mark.
There is more fulfilment when sharing with others than enjoying on your own - whatever success you achieve.
The unfairness of judging others comes in that we judge them on the basis of our own values and beliefs, yet we can never exactly stand on common ground.
The key to success is to first know thyself. The definition of success by another person must not paralyse you or make you think less of your potential to succeed in your own way.
The person who will end up enjoying success, is the one who planned for it and who knew why they are seeking to succeed.