Gnani Purush’ [the enlightened one] has the [knowledge of the-Self] essence of all religions.
~ Dada Bhagwan
Despise (viradhana) of a Gnani [the enlightened one] creates hindrance in (acquiring right) Knowledge-Vision-Conduct (Gnan-Darshan-Charitra).
Who is free from illusory attachment (nirmohi)? The Gnani Purush (the enlightened one). He can see flesh and bones, through and through.
Illusion (maya) cannot enter where there is ‘light’ (enlightenment, awareness). Once darkness falls, illusion will enter there. The Gnani Purush can arrange for your illusion to go away permanently.
Gnan (knowledge of the Self) can never become agnan (knowledge other than the self, of relative world). It is called agnan only when the focused applied awareness of the Self changes.