A seed only begins to manifest its greatest potential the day it is buried in dirt.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
Self-discipline is a prerequisite to progress.
~ Mensah Oteh
Your ego does not need to be crushed, it needs to be redeemed.
~ Mensah Oteh
Perfection is the lowest standard out there because it is unattainable. Be the best you can but don’t try to be someone you were not born to be.
~ Mensah Oteh
Your words reveal your wants but your actions reveal your expectations.
~ Mensah Oteh
You have mastered the art of discipline when you are able to act according to what you ultimately desire rather than how you feel in the present moment.
~ Mensah Oteh
To get to ‘yes’ from ‘no’, you may have to journey through ‘maybe’.
~ Mensah Oteh
Ninety-five per cent of your success or failure will come from your daily habits.
~ Mensah Oteh
Staying true to your dream by using your mental, emotional and physical strength is discipline in action. You express it through focus, grit, self-control, persistence, perseverance, and willpower.
~ Mensah Oteh
Discipline is more about self-control through your inner strength and less about restriction.
~ Mensah Oteh
The ability to make yourself do what needs to be done at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner – irrespective of your feelings – marks the true test of self-discipline.
~ Mensah Oteh
Self-discipline is a learned habit that should be developed and continuously worked on through regular application, practice, and repetition.
~ Mensah Oteh
Discipline begins where you are, and the key to sustaining the level of discipline you need lies in developing daily habits and routines which mirror the life you want to have.
~ Mensah Oteh
The investment you make in others is transferred to everyone they influence long after you’re gone. Significance
~ Mensah Oteh
Significance is about making a difference, and its pursuit should ideally come before the pursuit of success – or at least at the same time.
~ Mensah Oteh
It’s not how long you live that matters, it’s how well you live.
~ Mensah Oteh
Have you decided how great you want to be? It’s really up to you. Greatness is a choice.
~ Mensah Oteh
Success may create excitement, but only significance leads to fulfilment.
~ Mensah Oteh
Success lasts a lifetime but stops at the end of your life. Significance lasts many lifetimes and continues long after you’re gone.
~ Mensah Oteh
If you see success as a race, then you will start eagerly with enthusiasm and passion with the hope of finishing quickly but there is much more to your success journey than your duration and speed.
~ Mensah Oteh
Achievers are biased towards action despite any fear, and this courage sets them apart from others.
~ Mensah Oteh
Courage isn’t instinctive or genetic, it has to be learned and practiced. Why not start today?
~ Mensah Oteh
You need courage because at various moments in your life you might need to attempt something new, push yourself outside your comfort zone, challenge the status quo, change your story, or overcome your fear.
~ Mensah Oteh
Your life is a direct reflection of your level of investment in yourself, and your success or the lack of it is often decided by your personal development level.
~ Mensah Oteh
Commit to the lifestyle of investing in you first. It always produces the best return.
~ Mensah Oteh
Investing in yourself is one of the foundations for better relationships, health, happiness, success, and prosperity.
~ Mensah Oteh
You can’t excel in everything but you can be exceptional in a few things, so why not choose your life’s focus?
~ Mensah Oteh
You will only ever achieve the level of success that matches your wisdom or personal development level.
~ Mensah Oteh
Having a nice library doesn’t make you smart. Don’t buy books and stack them up in your library, read them.
~ Mensah Oteh
Invest time, energy, and money into increasing your knowledge and wisdom so you can become the best you can be – it’s the best investment you could make.
~ Mensah Oteh
Your wisdom decides your value, the size of the problems you can solve, the opportunities you create, and ultimately the level of success you experience.
~ Mensah Oteh
To be successful choose an area of focus in life. It will identify where your energy should be invested and (more importantly) the source of your joy and success.
~ Mensah Oteh
Progress can’t be achieved without investing in and constantly improving yourself.
~ Mensah Oteh
Don’t ask what it will cost or how much of your time you will have to sacrifice. Instead, ask what it’s worth.
~ Mensah Oteh
The level of success you experience externally is a reflection of your level of personal development internally.
~ Mensah Oteh
Good mentors and coaches will help you reach your destination faster than you can by yourself.
~ Mensah Oteh
If you wish to be and remain successful, invest a minimum of five to ten per cent of your income each month and your time each day on your personal growth and development.
~ Mensah Oteh
Success can’t be achieved without personal development and constantly improving yourself.
~ Mensah Oteh
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that your dreams, desires or goals are more important than fear.
~ Mensah Oteh
Acting courageously is about knowing and making the right choices based on a deep conviction that dwarfs fear, doubt, and worry.
~ Mensah Oteh