Don’t be attached to outcomes.Enjoy your experiences for whatthey are, what you have gainedand what you have learned.
~ Domonique Bertolucci
Unless you have a crystal ballyou don’t know how thefuture is going to unfold.Focus on the things you caninfluence and don’t fretover the rest.
No matter how much youcare about someone,you can’t take responsibilityfor their happiness.
You can’t make someonedo something just becauseyou want them to.What you do have, however,is the opportunity toinfluence their choices.
Being a control freakis a sign of a vulnerableself-esteem. The betteryou feel about yourselfthe less you need to controleverything around you.
Yoga practices shift our identity away from the ego-personality and its struggles so that we can begin to reconnect with the essential nature of our being, which is bliss.
~ Sharon Gannon