Aim for happiness because if you keep looking to reach perfection, you're never going to appreciate anything.
~ Karen A. Baquiran
I had every reason to quit, but you were the reason I wanted it all again.
I crave the simple life. A life where all I need is love and you.
True love exists. There's nothing more extraordinary than being lost in its trance by completely opening your heart and merging its rare and beautiful energy with another.
Sometimes you have to be alone to truly know your worth.
Always remember, if someone keeps putting you down to make themselves feel or look better, be flattered that they chose you. Their insecurity always speaks louder when they need to use someone else to make them feel validated. Confidence never calls for verbal infliction.
I am always hoping that you find your way and you realize how beautiful you really are. Always be yourself and never apologize for it. May you continue to walk through life hand-in-hand with your authentic self. You are purely Divine.
People will always reveal themselves to you. Read the signs and know when to let go.
It feels less lonely knowing that when I look up at the sky, someone somewhere is looking too. And maybe, just maybe, they are also at peace knowing that they are not alone as we are one under the same sky.
Laughing is so therapeutic but what is even more therapeutic is having someone laugh out loud with you.
I believe in real soul connections. Some that can change the course of our lives. No matter how far the distance is between the souls, they are always joined at the heart of Source.