Be nice. And if you can't do that, just don't be mean.
~ Richelle E. Goodrich
Kindness is a girl's best friend.
The spirit of Christmas is a sweet, internal peace that testifies of the power of kindness and charity.
The Christmas spirit is simply an honest spirit of love for all humanity. It is the force that moves us to give what we can, to help as we are able, and to always be of kind comfort.
So you want to improve the world? Then do it. To the next person who crosses your path, say something kind, do something generous, perform a simple act of service. By doing this on a regular basis, you will indeed improve the world.
My shoulders, broad and sculpted thick, were designed for two useful purposes. The one, to carry heavy loads like cedar logs and beams of steel and now and then the careful transfer of an injured friend to a bed of safety. The other purpose I consider superior, and that is to be, in all circumstances and forever, your headrest and cry pillow whereupon you may leave your heaviest burdens.
Imagine the greatness this world would know if kindness were as contagious and enduring as the common cold.
So what if you’re right? So what if you’re wrong? In the end you might be surprised to find that God doesn’t care so much about whether you were right or wrong but whether, despite it all, you were kind or cruel.
Learning to breathe fire isn’t nearly as extraordinary as learning to breathe a word of kindness.
You would think those who have endured unkindness would be kinder as a result, intent on sparing others the awful suffering they abhorred firsthand.
I don’t know how to save the world, though I do know it involves a great deal of love and kindness.
Life isn’t always kind. It isn’t gentle and loving or sympathetic to the pains and sorrows of humanity. I, however, as an individual in control of my own actions, can be kind and loving, gentle and sympathetic to those around me, and in the process improve what life is for everyone.
Out of all the magic words in existence, kind words produce the most powerful transformation spells.
It’s easy to be kind to friends who return your smiles and happily lend a helping hand. But the true test of good character is finding the will and desire to be kind and charitable to those who give us absolutely no motivation to do so.
As a child, I once suffered a bad fall that resulted in scratched palms and scraped knees. I remember how badly it stung, the cold air hitting my bleeding wounds; I felt that I couldn’t stand up for the pain. Through a veil of tears, I recall a kind hand reaching for me and helping me to my feet. My knees and palms were washed clean, and I remember thinking that for the rest of my life, I wanted to help people stand back up.
Love is donating a chunk of your life to patch up holes in the life of another.
When you love someone, you don’t care that she ate your sandwich. You only hope she found it delicious.
If kindness is beauty, patience is disarming elegance.
People think kindness is a soft, weak, submissive influence when in reality it is the most potent, persuasive force in existence.
At times we feel outnumbered in our attempts to improve the world—to brighten and beautify, to preserve and heal and do what’s best for humanity. Selfless efforts can start to feel beleaguering, discouraging, even pointless with so little support. It is at these times I remind myself that I would rather be the last Good Samaritan standing than to join the ranks of selfish multitudes creating misery.
There are hundreds of reasons to be kind, but only one that matters—because it’s who you are.
Teddy bears, not grizzly bears, get invited in for honey.
If people were kinder, the world might cease weeping.
Sit with me, and I'll not be alone.Hold my hand, and I'll not feel alone.Cry with me, and I'll no longer suffer alone.
Kind words and tender affections will not save me from this lake of woe and misery, but they may be enough of a buoy to prevent my drowning.
The most irresistible beauty is the radiant glow from a kind and gentle heart.
If you've put a smile on someone's face today, you've done more good than you know.
Kindness is my weapon of choice. My second is a Semmian da
Dress yourself in the silks of benevolence because kindness makes you beautiful.
Always be good, but be wickedly beautiful.
Love is many kind acts accumulated over time that leave us feeling wonderful.
Don't seek to be happy; let everyone else chase after that rainbow. Seek to be kind, and you'll find the rainbow follows you.
It seems a peculiar thing when I go to fill my own cup; it remains empty as if the liquid evaporates as soon as it touches the glass. Yet when I reach to top off the cups of others, my own spills over. This is the crazy magic of charity.
Happiness branches from the tree of kindness, abounding with the fruit of sweet smiles.
Many people believe they have found the key to Heaven's gate, not realizing that there is no key hole. It is a barrier upon which you must knock. And I believe that it is by our small and simple acts of kindness that we find the gate left ajar.
What is the right tool, the best option, the choicest gift,the winning hand, the greatest relief, the finest revenge, the sweetest drink, the perfect response, the working solution, the strongest medi
You don't do kind deeds expecting kindness in return. You don't do kind deeds because you deem the recipient worthy. You do kind deeds because it's who you are, and because you understand the powerful difference your gentle hand makes in this dreary world.
Love is not complicated—just smile, hug, kiss, be kind, and repeat.
You may not know my reasons, but you can assume I have them and be kind.
When you tend to another's dying embers, you find both warmth and an increase in the glow of your own fire.