Life is beautiful, so celebrate it like the gift that it is.
~ Mensah Oteh
Find something during the day to celebrate – something you someone did, something you observed or something you heard.
Don’t wait for others to celebrate you, learn to do it yourself.
Every day is worthy of celebration because every day is a present you receive by grace.
Life is supposed to be exciting, so journey through each day collecting moments and celebrating the right ones.
Wake up each morning celebrating. Navigate through your day with a celebratory attitude and end each day in celebration.
Learn to give thanks in all things – good or bad.
Gratitude isn’t innate. It’s a habit that has to be learned through practice.
Gratitude is an act that has to be expressed, not an attitude.
Gratitude is an indescribable quality in the lives of those living in abundance.
Those who live in gratitude start their day by setting their intentions and the direction they want to move in each day.
Gratitude is incomplete without the act of giving thanks.
If you learn to be grateful and celebrate each day, you have mastered the secret to living.
We all have to be taught how to be thankful and once learned, it has to be improved and practised daily.
If you got on your knees to give thanks for the undeserved kindness and mercy in your life, you would be shocked by how rich you truly are.
Gratitude must come from a place of true sincerity to be effective. Without sincerity, the experience is incomplete.
Without emotion, all thoughts or words are powerless.
Gratitude is arriving at the point where your expectations, accumulation and anticipations make way for appreciation, reflection and celebration.
By focusing your thoughts on the things you are thankful for, you attract more things to be grateful for into your life.
The best thing you can do for yourself if you wish to see your dreams become reality is to find success and replicate it.
It’s no mystery, it isn’t luck. Success is a result of your obedience to specific principles, rules and laws
your responsibility is simply to find how things work and those who are already successful then model their beliefs, behaviour, attitude, philosophies and actions and you’ll get similar results
Never start your gratitude moment with an unthankful heart or out of necessity. Gratitude must be sincere.
Appreciation generates energy, like thankfulness creates increase.
Gratitude goes beyond a delight for a gift, it is a feeling directed towards the giver.
Don’t get hung up on trying to be perfect before you start or you may never begin.
If you got on your knees and counted all of the blessings, goodness, grace, favour and kindness in your life, you would find that you would exhaust the whole day and will still have more to share.
Hard work is the foundation of the abundant life, and sacrifice is needed to make it reality.
Open your mind to a new pattern of thinking and your life will drastically change for the better.
See each day as an investment in the future and be willing to do today what you wish to experience in the future.
Success won’t happen overnight, the season of sacrifice will have to be endured first before the promise is due.
The abundant life doesn’t happen by accident. It is the result of doing specific things purposefully every day and it requires an investment of time, energy and effort.
Life is not just the passing of time; it’s also a collection of experiences from your past, present and future.
The roots of the abundant life may seem bitter, but its fruits are sweet.
To succeed in life you need five things – a burning desire, a willingness to do whatever it takes, wisdom, incredible effort, and a commitment to never-ending improvement.
Creating the abundant life is achieved first by vision not sight.
To put in the effort needed to create the life of your dreams, you first need to develop a burning desire.
Abundance is living the life you were born to experience.
Life is hidden in a day and a day is hidden in life.
Creating the good life is like following a recipe; specific ingredients are required to guarantee the promised results and each has to be carefully selected and added in the right quantity and sequence. If you get it right, the outcome is guaranteed. If you change or alter the ingredients, the outcome changes.