“ Man thalabal ‘ula sahiral layali.” He who wants glory will work late into the night. -184 ”
Uthlubul ilma walau bisshin,” meaning, “Seek knowledge, even if it’s as far as China.” -17
~ Ahmad Fuadi
How lucky are you as seekers of knowledge because God will ease your way into heaven, angels will spread their wings for you, even the inhabitants of the heart and sky, down to the whales beneath the sea, will ask mercy for those who have knowledege...” -48
knowledge is like nur, a ray of light. And light cannot come and be in a dark place. Because of that, clean your hearts and your minds, so that light can come, touch, and brighten your soul,” -178
Uthlubul ilma minal mahdi ila lahdi. Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. -178