“ And I'll be a witch in hell before I let someone hurt my dogs. ”
I realized that with Chance and me, there were no secrets. Or at least none that I could otherwise explain.I said, I trust you more than I trust my own family, you know that?Well, they don't set the bar real high. He smiled at me, a silly, playful smile. The kind of smile shared by people with a lot of history.
~ Barbra Annino
Darkness is drowned by three lights; nature, knowledge, and truth.
But I’m not one to read a book backwards.
I drank in the scene around me. Some people were directing traffic, some were throwing buckets full of water on the flames (the whole bucket too, not just the contents), some were snapping photos and one guy, I recognized as a regular of the Black Opal, Scully, was clutching a stool and crying.It was like the bleacher seats at a Cubs game when the beer gets cut off...