“ I'm sorry that when you say 'love', I always hear'heartbreak'. ”
She asks me how my heart is,and I say, 'beating.'That's never the answer you want, and I am sorry about that.
~ Darshana Suresh
Like you're taking the universe by thethroat and saying, look, I know Ican never be as big as you, but yousure as hell can't stop me from trying.Like taking the sadness and wringingit out and saying, look, I knowyou won't leave me alone, but yousure as hell can't stop me living.
The lonely? Where's that from?Sadness' best friend. Sadness broughtit along and I couldn't turn it away, soI let it multiply in my pulse instead.
Where did you get your sadness from? I picked it up on the side of the road. Itwas bleeding and scratched and keeninglike a mangled thing, but it looked toobeautiful for me to just walk away.