“ To pursue wisdom is to live in such a way that one is prepared to face death when it comes. (247) ”
Think of how you feel when you are sick, or how you felt when you were learning to ride your bike. The physical state of your body has a direct effect on how you think about the world, on the state of your mind. I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to say that your body has a direct effect on who you are
~ Gregory Bassham
Dewey believed that education has a practical function and should not be seen as a series of pointless hurdles to jump over before 'real life' begins. Education isn't a preamble to life; it's part of life, and it exists to solve practical human problems and meet human needs.
Only by knowing yourself can you live honestly and find your own path.
It's in out-of-the-ordinary situations - especially situations of challenge or adversity - that the most important differences between people shine through.