Jarett Sabirsh said this quote
“ three tiers to the heart: physical, ethereal, Eternalwith each one being more spiritual and subtlethe physical heart a little brain with over 40,000 neuronsit sends and receives by electromagnetic field operationsit's got its own nervous system that senses and remembersmaking decisions and giving directions to other centersemitting enfolded energetic organizational patternsinformation, that is—communicative interactionsdetected outside the body by magnetometers and other peoplefor heart coherence listen to Pärt's “Spiegel im Spiegel”valid are chakras and acupuncture meridiansmeditate on the heart chakra to see what this meansenergy meridians are strings of polarized crystalline waterbioelectric signals transmitted in connective tissue matterinformation is sent along these lengths of collagen proteinsmolecules of structured water allowing the transfer of protonscrystal water wires inside protein pathwayswith acupuncture points being junctures in the mazethe protons, then, are what have been referred to as “chi”a current flowing, much like electrical circuitry ”