“ I know the answer to improving Jess's condition doesn't lay in tears the answer is in sweat. ”
There are a few things in life that occur, that you don't ask for, that are just dealt to you.These things can define you or you can define yourself through them.I elect to define myself through overcoming what has been dealt to me in my life.It took thirty-one years and two generations of tweaking to get my first perfect ending.Now I am going to work on my next one.
~ Johna Passaro
Always believe.
You decide every moment of every day who you are and what you believe in.The good news is you get another chance to improve in another second.
Mr. Passaro, let me teach you about how medicine works.” He starts out.“One of two things is going to happen. Either the Doctors are going to say I told you so, or they are going to say that Jess was the exception. What you believe will determine who gets to say I told you so to whom.” “Never stop believing.” He begs me.“Doctor, you are on the team”. I say.He smiles.