“ May my heart be kind, my mind fierce, and my spirit brave. ”
If we want a better world, we must never cease to think about what kind of world we want... and we must not be afraid to do whatever it takes to make the world the way it should be. It is not enough just to talk. We must act!
~ Kate Forsyth
I'm not brave,' Ava replied huskily. 'If you only knew how afraid I really am. Sometimes I think I am afraid of everything.' 'But isn't that what being brave is all about? Being afraid, but doing it anyway?
Nothing opens up the mind and the heart like books do, and so they have the power to change the whole world. That's why the are burning books, Ava. To stop us thinking, and feeling, and imagining...
Ava's father believed that myths and fairy tales - like dreams - opened a window into the unconscious. by listening to the language of dreams and old tales, he said, all humans could learn to understand themselves and the world, better.