“ Cowardice is for cowards. Fear is for people with brains and eyes and functioning nerve endings. ”
I do, I’m afraid, understand books far more readily than I understand people. Books are so easy to get along with.
~ Katherine Rundell
People say we can't do anything about the way the world is; they say it's set in stone. I say it looks like stone, but it's mostly paint and cardboard.
No harm in listening. Alexei's a child, not a wizard. We don't lose control of our brains by listening.
If music can shine, Sophie thought, this music shone... 'It's like eight thousand birds, Charles!'When the music closed, she clapped until the rest of the audience had stopped and until her hands were hot and blotched with red... There was something in the music that felt familiar to Sophie. 'It feels,' she said to Charles, 'like home.