“ Between the calendar and checkbook, ones priorities are laid bare. ”
Frustration is your belief that things should be different than they are. So, when frustrated, ask yourself 'what should be different?'. In the end, you will find things are the way they are, as a result of your choices. Accept responsibility and start making different choices. Your life will be more peaceful as a result.
~ L.r.w. Lee
My work is the art I paint on the canvas of my life. Hopefully I'm creating a masterpiece.
Life for dreamers may not be easy, but it beats drifting. You never know where you'll end up drifting, maybe someplace good, maybe not. - L. R. W. Lee
I believe one should never invalidate another, even if you don't agree. No one is ever 100% right or 100% wrong. There is always some measure of truth on both sides. - L. R. W. Lee