“ When you divorce someone, you divorce their whole family, Madeline had told her once. ”
We were so happy.
~ Liane Moriarty
She quite liked this aspect of her personality, the way her mood could change from melancholy to euphoric because of a breeze or a flavor or a beautiful chord progression. It meant she never had to feel too down about feeling down.
Baths, she thought, were just like her relationships, all ooh, ah in the beginning and then suddenly, without warning, she had to get out, out, out!
It was strange, because she always felt that she hid herself from Erika, that she was more 'herself' with her 'true' friends, where the friendship flowed in an ordinary, uncomplicated, grown-up fashion (emails, phone calls, drinks, dinners, banter and jokes that everyone got), but right now it felt like none of those friends knew her the raw, ugly, childish, basic way that Erika did.