“ When I eat with my friends, it is a moment of real pleasure, when I really enjoy my life. ”
As a woman I am so curious about prostitutes because of the idea that they know men better than you. Also, it's such a strange way to live. But at the same time there are prostitutes who just want to be prostitutes, and this is this woman, nobody pushed her to do it. She's a prostitute because she wants to be a prostitute. It's her philosophy of life.
~ Monica Bellucci
In a couple, sometimes, one or both people have to give up their personal life, dreams and ambitions for the good of the family.
For me, true beauty has nothing to do with wrinkles and everything to do with the fact that my maternal grandmother raised five children just after the war and remained a fighter throughout her life. True beauty is the slick of red lipstick my paternal grandmother would put on before going to church on Sunday.
I don't stress myself about my looks. I love to laugh. I like being able to lead an interesting life.