“ ...people live longer when they decide to become passionately involved in something beyond themselves. ”
Jesus says, Here's the deal! I'll leave My place. I'll come to your place. I'll take your place. And then we'll go to My place.
~ Richard Foth
Sometimes we get off course, desiring things or setting goals that will lead to no good end. But if our desire is in the right place, loving Jesus and loving others, there is no telling where Jesus can take us.
Goals have a way of refocusing your life. They give you purpose and a target to shoot for. They are the compass of our dreams, helping us set a steady course. Goals comprise direction and progress. When we lose sight of our goals, we tend to lose sight of ourselves and who we are trying to become, who God has made us to be.
...we have a high calling etched into our bones and written on our hearts. God wants to engage us...and deliver us into a life He has dreamed for us... We were made to explore.