“ Preston doesn't do well with trouble. But that's why I'm here. That's why my name is Mommy. ”
Don't ever let fear get in the way because you never know what's going to open a door.
~ Sadeqa Johnson
Trust me, Bea, you are on your way. It’s about acknowledging where you are and knowing that you are okay. The universe has your back and so do I.
She reached for the notebook she kept in her purse. Bea found the page and read to calm and steady herself. 1. See yourself as beautiful. Flowering and giving life to the earth. This baby can’t do it without you. You are important.2. Food is your fuel. You need it in your body. It’s your sustenance. 3. When you feel overwhelmed go for a walk, write down your feelings, or play your favorite songs.
I can’t get past one or two pages at a time.’ ‘That’s how it’s supposed to be read. Sipped like a soothing cup of tea.