“ Often, exactly big complexes force an individual to achieve their big goals and massive success. ”
Promise yourself to achieve lifestyle you’ve always dreamt of… and dare to achieve it!
~ Sahara Sanders
Many of us humans have a hard time with understanding one simple truth: the surest way to get love is to start giving love to others. Often, when we desperately need some companionship, understanding and warmth from those who are around us, we chose to blame, shout, criticize, accuse, insult and set ultimatums. But in reply, we only encounter with cold walls of estrangement which was diligently built by our own efforts, farcical walls and fences.
Since I can remember, for some reason, I was always “not like others,” and it was presented by everyone like there was something wrong with me; only becoming more grown up and mature, I realized that to be special and different from the crowd is my biggest value and happiness.
One of the main secrets of success is the ability to foresee the situation a few steps forward.