“ Radiate a Smile with a Happy Face,and you make everyone Happy,Make a sad faceand you Scare everyone ! ”
We forget the good people do, but remember the not-so-good they might have intentionally or intentionally done !Be Brave and Forgive !
~ Sham Hinduja
Life is like a mirror.Cry and you see a crying face,Frown and you see a Sad Face !Smile and it smiles back at you !
The moment you start to resent a person,you become his or her slave.He controls your dreams, absorbs your thoughts,robs you of your peace of mind,and takes away the pleasure of your life.You can never have efficiency or happiness.He influences even the tone of your voice.So, if you want to be a slave, harbor your resentments.and don't want to Forgive and have Peace of Mind.The choice is yours !