“ The strengths and failings of a relationship depend entirely on your ability to talk about your feelings. ”
It's like I'm reading a book, andit's a book I deeply love, but I'mreading it slowly now so the wordsare really far apart and the spacesbetween the words are almostinfinite. I can still feel you andthe words of our story, but it's inthis endless space between thewords that I'm finding myself now.It’s a place that’s not of thephysical world - it's whereeverything else is that I didn'teven know existed. I love you somuch, but this is where I am now.This is who I am now.And I need you to let me go. Asmuch as I want to I can't live inyour book anymore.
~ Spike Jonze
The past is just a story we tell ourselves.
Don't differentiate between This is a job and This is what I'm doing for fun. It's all simultaneous.
I respect people that are die-hard film people, but I started on video. I started on Hi8 video and mini-DV, and I made skate videos. So, I love film, and I love the way it looks, but I also love the way crappy video looks, or VHS. I've always been a fan of whatever the look is that's appropriate for what the feeling is.