“ Both joy and gratitude go hand in hand together. More grateful you are more joyful you will be. ”
I have always believed in the power of collaboration. Early on in my professional career, I realized that you can't develop all the competencies you need fast enough on your own. Furthermore, if you don't collaborate, your ideas will be limited to your own abilities. As a result, you will not be able to serve your clientele and thus can't achieve the anticipated impact.
~ Vishwas Chavan
Courage cannot be gifted to you, but it is a choice you make.
Being involved with passion is one of the common characteristics I have observed in all the successful people I have come across.
We alays blame the outer world for our failures, unhappiness and frustration. It is time to realise that it is health, harmony and wealth of our inner world that determine the degree of our success, joy, peace and bliss.