To achieve something, you need to be a little selfish...!!
~ Akansh Malik
Even a friendship needs an effort from both sides, how can we expect a relationship to work from the effort of one..!! It should be a true-hearted commitment from both involve.
Life is too short to repeat your mistakes, make new ones..!!
Once we start writing with a pen, we are not allowed to erase our mistakes, we are forced to deal with it.
Sportsmanship isn't about criticizing the ONE who didn't win on That ONEday... it's about appreciating and supporting their hard work amidst failures!!!
Thoughts control your feelings, and people around you control your thoughts.
Some people meet you for a reason, while others meet you to stay there in your life.
Maa The only word that holds power to give you strength when you are in pain.
Empty mind is the devil's workshop...and busy mind kills creativity...
You may hold the same feeling even after a long gap, but not trust.
Every text session my crush introduce me with a new quality in her crush, and trust me it's crushing my emotions...!!
You need not to hide your relationship with someone to stay in touch with other... If you are doing so, you can't be loyal to any.
It's not about being single or in a relationship, it's about feeling good about yourself. Start loving yourself... <3
School friends rarely remembered, hardly forgotten...!!
My present crush is crushing my past crush...Can I summarize Crush Crushing & now Crushed
My life was a blank paper, until you came to rhyme with words & make it a poetry book. ❤ ❤
Broadcast your message, not your emotions...!!
Love is a loud communication between two and a mannequin of silence for others
Opportunity always knocks the door with hurdles. It's up to you either jump the hurdle to grab or owing to hurdle miss the opportunity .
A simple Hi has potential to make you blush, if received from your crush.
A smile you gift is a smile you earn… Gift a smile to your parents, friends, or even a stranger.
Infatuation -You easily back off. Love -You silently care, no matter what..!!
#EarlyAgeEntrepreneur - It feels an enormously different situation to react, when one of your ex-employee join college where you study and he standing at a position of your teacher calls you 'Sir