The best education makes our minds more fertile.
~ Debasish Mridha M.d.
Education is the seed of thought. If the mind is fertile, it will grow better crops.
The beauty of friendship is loyalty.
Your life is your canvas. You are responsible for the beauty of your art.
The beauty of truth is in its simplicity.
Enjoy every beauty, love everyone.
If you look for beauty, you will find it.
Life is a one way journey. Don’t forget to enjoy the amazing beauty.
How can you find new beauty if you are never allowed to get out of conformity?
I am not a teacher. I can only inspire you and show you how to unfold your own beauty.
Music reveals the deepest beauty of the soul.
To make life beautiful--every time you think--think about the amazing beauty of life.
Management tries to manage problems, leadership tries to overcome the problems.
The highest goal of a leader is to help others fulfill their purposes in life.
You are a true leader if you help others to grow as leaders.
You are never too old or too young to be a leader.
An intelligent person has knowledge, but a wise person has experience with humility.
Nature is a better scientist than any human can ever be.
Let the light of your love enlighten the whole world and fill it with joy, happiness, and peace.
Philosophy is the song of love with the music of morals.
Everything is talking to you. If you have a listening heart, you will be able to hear it.
Education is a journey of the mind to kindle the fire of imagination.
Thinking new things is the best way to exercise the mind.
Thoughts are a product manufactured by the relentless effort of the machine we call a mind.
I have only one power that is my power of love.
Your world is nothing but a reflection of your mind.
For beautiful success, serve with love and serve with courage.
Go beyond the boundary of conformity to find the true joy of life.
Fill life with joy.
The greatest joy in life comes not from winning but from giving.
Your success does not depend on who you are but what you are and the strength of your expectations.
We are not living. We are swimming in water called time. When our bodies get tired, we drowned and die.
Creativity is the art and science of expressing inner beauty.
The future is nothing but a reflection of the present and the past.
Visualization is a process when we try to see the imaginative creation as a real future manifestation.
When I look into my past, only then can I see the trending future.
If someone’s beliefs are fixed and false, he or she can do anything to justify their beliefs.
May your life be a fountain of love and kindness to fill the world with joy.
Kindness is the best prayer.
Be the light in someone's life.