As we come into balance within ourselves and the all that is, we balance the past, future and our Earth.
~ Jan Porter
You are stronger, smarter and mmore powerful than you think.
Love yourself unconditionally.Do what you love to do.Be grateful for what you do have.Happiness is an attitude of gratitude.Love all of life.
If you don't believe in miracles and your own inner power, you have forgotten just how truly amazing you are!
pssst . . .your soul is calling you to freedom love and play!
Claim all that is good and powerful in life and make it your own!
Always stand proud in who you are,just as you are,because you have more of a positive impact in the world and the cosmos than you could ever imagine!
Take what is good from the pastand carve a new path.
Always allow your childlike wonder, joy, gratitude, love and laughter to serve as your own soul's tool kit for life's most difficult challenges.
God and the Angels can and want to assist you with all aspects of your life. Your happiness and life is their primary mission.
One woman is a tiny divine spark in a timeless sisterhood tapestry collective,All of us are Wild Women.