When you learn something new, the structure of your brain changes.
~ Pearl Zhu
The ultimate aim of learning knowledge is to gain wisdom.
Trust is a collective mind - the corporate culture. You can’t build and nourish trust without creating a conducive environment of trust.
When there is fear, there is no trust.
A child-like mind is full of imagination.
Culture is what happens when the managers are not around.
Culture is the organization’s fingerprint.
Culture is the heartbeat of the organization and our society.
Lack of independent thinking is lacking in confidence.
Understanding requires a person’s ability to grasp or comprehend information.
Culture is like the visible and invisible levels of an iceberg -”the solid state of “water.
Organizational culture is just like the “Operation System” of the organization, you need reboot periodically to keep it running smoothly.
Culture is collective mindsets, attitudes, and behaviors.
Culture should be a business ‘app,’ everyone can apply it daily.
Agile is more a “direction,” than an “end.” Transforming to Agile culture means the business knows the direction they want to go on.
Modern Boards set key tones in building fact-based business culture.
Being digital-ready is an overarching approach via building a set of “digital -flavored” cultures and taking a series of stepwise practices.
Culture is corporate character.
Culture is like water in the sea, it can either keep the business ship afloat or drag it down and sink it.
You have to be able to look objectively at the problem, deflating the emotional part of it.
Pattern Thinking is a type of problem-solving thinking.
Using two-dimensional lenses to perceive the multi-faceted world can limit your ability to observe the world more objectively.
Mechanistic thinking focuses on “what,” and holistic thinking digs into “why.
The paradox of indecisiveness lies in uncertainty.
Learning to think beyond a single dimension, look beyond the surface, love more than one color and enjoy the world of differences.
Stereotyping as a term has a negative connotation.
Silos will continue to be inevitable as long as the rewards for collaboration are outweighed by the rewards for competition.
Anti-digital mindsets are those “status quo” types of thinking, authoritarian attitude, and bureaucratic decision-making.
It takes a decade to grow a tree, and it takes more than one generation to shape the right mindset.
Self-discipline is nothing but self-consciousness.
Setting the right priorities or having superior time management skill means knowing the difference between “must have,” and “nice to have.
Resilience is about B.O.U.N.C.E-Bouncing forward includes bouncing back.
The paradox is the result of two opposing truths existing side by side, which can be both right.
Clarity is a perception; it’s an emotional alignment of thoughts, intuitions, inclinations, expression and expectations.
A flexible mind has a better chance to think differently and take a unique path in the life journey.
Cognition can happen in many different ways and combinations.
Judgment and decision making are often considered together.
Diversity of thought is in demand, for boosting collective creativity and harnessing collective wisdom.
A peaceful mind is not a matter of doing, but of being.
Learning a new language, just like opening a new window, allows you to see the world with intimacy.