Paradoxes are conflicting choices or conditions that demand equal attention.
~ Pearl Zhu
Competition to further the world of pursuing ego=bad. Competition to improve both capabilities and processes = good.
A misfit is like the round peg that cannot fit into the square hole or the running river that just can’t stay still.
Open the mind to be on a path to a better version of yourself.
Thought leadership is by nature evolutionary, in that it must always be part of an ever-evolving flow.
Inspiration is the result of moments of insight and a key component of internal “drive.
Critical Thinking has the potential to be a deeply creative process.
Creativity has often been analogized as “Thinking outside of the box.
Independent Thinking simply means making up your own mind.
Design does need more recognition as thinking and problem-solving process, maybe even a strategic differentiator.
The quality of your life is a function of the quality of the thinking you have done.
Strategic Thinking starts with the end in mind.
Self-discipline is about disciplined thoughts.
High-quality professions look decently, think profoundly, and act thoughtfully.
At its core, Agile is a mindset.
Decision power is knowledge-based, wisdom-driven and character-oriented.
The mindset (perspective) is the consequence of “rules.
Perception shows how deep one can understand an issue or a phenomenon, the mental strength.
The board should frequently brainstorm IT impact on the business and leverage technological vision to the business’s strategic planning.
Keeping it simple, you have a vision of what you are to become and a strategy for making that happen.
Like many things, power is like the two sides of a coin.
Progress is in simplification, which often follows complexity.
The mind is an innovation engine of any human progress, but also the root cause of almost all human problems.
Innovation is a progress, and progress in simplicity.
Strategy is for making progress and progress is in simplicity.
Digital is the age of empathy.
Digital age of business and world shall move up from apathy, to sympathy, to empathy.
The board should set digital principles and guidelines for allowing the business to manage innovation in an effective way.
Innovation is too important to leave solely in the hands of the management team without any oversight or guidance by the boardroom.
The high-performing board shows the ability and openness to question itself and its decisions and discussions.
The innovation indicators vary depending on who is doing the measuring, and how they are measuring. It’s contextual.
In business, complexity both drives innovation and hinders it.
Flexibility is a mental process which results in an action that tests a possible solution.
The art of questioning is to ignite innovative thinking.
Observation is a critical activity in the innovation process to understand the context of an issue from a human perspective.
Innovation becomes possible only if people can step out of their comfort zone.
Outlier” CIOs have better capabilities to connect innovation dots.
Healthy debating enforces critical thinking principles - looking at things from the different angles, with increased perspective and less prejudgment.
Bridging innovation gaps is a strategic imperative for business execution.
The business’s potential depends on how it unleashes its information potential and talent potential.