CHANGE is not to expect, it is certain -have Food and go to Bed
~ Praveen Chenna
Try not to say I have unless it’s not bought by the money. If materialism is a blessing would have not been sold out in streets
If future frightens you, Let me tell you, neither it is sure - nor it is relevant. But for sure, you are wasting your present which is certain! Live Life Day @ Time
Thought we explained, but it does matter how that is understood. Is to say - you are not done until you done!
It’s not the situation -the action that does matter, situations produce excuses, where the actions -the results.
Why the hell you have to feel bad! ... like I am crazy..... even if you are not !! many else out there .... feel the same in some point of time to be crazy enough, Hence.... let's just be practical and take light! Be yourself to live the Life.
Dreaming is an option to be happy, dare to do so. If you are able! - you are halfway done. where happiness is a feeling, why not in a dream?
Artist, never explains his work, it’s the audience that explores it. Explain Vs Explore is what we should adopt in our personality- Be unique always.
Truly speaking -finding happiness is to do with being selfish, but that doesn't mean true selfish
Questions to be answered by questions itself when you wanna ignore it in first place. It’s better to be diplomatic rather than Ignorant.
How I win over you is “with modulation of words that i use, winning is not the argument but peace of mind. You may call it diplomatic, guess what? I don't care !
Don’t pass my voice, what I said about! If you want to-pack the expression, the context and even the body language with it. Misunderstandings are like by-product of mishandling the whole transportation of what was said.