The world can be a great big scary place,and finding a soul mate is no simple task.But if you’re lucky enough to do just that,sometimes that’s all that you need: one personto belong to—who also belongs to you.
~ Rachel C. Weingarten
I think believing in something is what matters most.Believe in nature or believe in love or believe that bydoing the right thing you can make some differenceto another human being or an entire generation.
Your words are so powerful that they can breakhearts or fill them with joy. Your words havethe ability to comfort a wounded soul or shattersomeone’s confidence. Your words can act as yourmessengers of hope or a salve for a broken humanbeing.
You create what you speak. So, speak a better world.Speak a happier and more loving life. Speak yourdespair and let it lead you back to your truth.