No man can achieve success if he didn’t first know the value of time.
~ Sunday Adelaja
When you succeed in showing the real products that this disappearing life has produced, then you are said to be a winner.
Success is built on hard work, the right hard work itself is success.
For you to be successful in your promised land, you must study the land
Complexes can be the feelings of guilt, a victim complex, and fear of failure, criticism, poverty, and loneliness, loss of love, success, insecurity, denial, and low self-esteem
People with a distinctly displayed fear of failure, when they encounter more complicated tasks of a problem nature, the quality of work becomes worse, while it improves in case of people with motivation for success
The most important thing is not to achieve success, but to keep it so that it would be stable
In order to achieve stable success, you must be focused on God and not on success itself
God has from the beginning, placed in us all the necessary gifts, abilities and talents to have success
In order to have success we have to make an effort and this demands persistent, diligent hard work
The devil will try to stop you on your path to success, He can do this through doubts and fear
As we fulfill our dream and move toward success, we will not escape fighting
Relationships are working either for our good and success, or they are harming us
If you want to be successful, begin to work zealously and persistently
If you do not begin to search, then you cannot find anything
If you want to be prosperous, then you will have to become a seeker
If you are constantly seeking then sooner or later, you will meet ‘your opportunity
A wise man loves any kind of work, be it spiritual, physical or intellectual
If you are possessed by the desire to be useful for God on this earth, He will honor you, you will prosper and your life will be a testimony of success
God is faithful, He will fulfill His word
Grace is available to us from God, but it is located in our place of work
If you work, you will find favor from God and you will become a rich man
You will find solution, if you have a passionate, strong desire to breakthrough
No matter how giant and rich you are, if you are isolated you will fall and remain alone in this world
Only the people who are rooted in the house of God will thrive, prosper, become rich and still have joy in every situation
If our life is built on God’s standards and we are responsible and zealous for the things of the kingdom, then we will have persistent success in life and wealth, which will not bring tears
If you are striving to have a stable success and riches in joy, you need to be truly dedicated to God
Knowing God, we will always understand the path that leads to success
We should totally rely on God, then our success will always be stable and nothing would be able to shake it
If you are faithful and diligent in your work, God will place you before kings
We need to apply the rules of 10,000 hours in order to achieve the level of a skill commensurate with the status of a world-class expert
The perfect scenario is when you are living your dream, when you have found your gift and when you are working to bring it to perfection
Remember, each of us needs to be the best in our field
When you find out the field you were gifted, what you were created for, you will get guaranteed success
When we find successful people in our field, learn from their experience and understand some important things more specifically
Once you get on the path leading to your success, the devil will try to stop you
I made my name”. What does this mean? It means you developed the traits that are specific to successful people, passion- the ability to stay focus focused and the determination to never, never, never give up
No one is born successful, success requires preparation
If you do not work on self- improvement or do not develop strength of character, you will be inclined to succumb to the opinions of the people surrounding you or to the standards criminally imposed on you by the society
Our self- development is all about cultivating the traits that we need to achieve our life purpose, success and to carry out our mission