For you to be great, you must make sure that every second of your life counts.
~ Sunday Adelaja
You will need to invest every bit of your time into your destiny and purpose if you truly desire to be great.
The tradition of going to church every day of the week is not an indicator of greatness.
If that church is not adding value to your life, you may want to reconsider how often you go to church.
So the way to control your life is this; every minute you live, maybe you are in church; ask yourself “why am I here? What product am I producing by being here?” I know most Christians just go to church like dummies.
When you go to church, you are supposed to go to church to invest in people or to invest in yourself.
You are killing your life if you are not converting your time.
You are killing your life if you are just going through the traditions and routine of church services with no product to show for it.
You become void of products when you waste your time in religious meetings every day.
If there is any church service that you attend and it quickens your purpose and adds value to your life, if that church gives you some insight and understanding and a picture of how to do things better and become a solution provider to the problems of humanity in your country, then you can keep attending such a church.
You are actually reproducing yourself when you invest your life.
Humans are supposed to evaluate their lives.
Greatness is only possible, thanks to the products you are able to produce per seconds, per minutes, per hour and per day.
The secret of all the great men and women in history is that they converted their time into tangible products.
Since time comes in seconds, in minutes and in hours, we must learn to convert time, else, it will slip away and can never be regained.
The dividing line between those who will be great and those who will be mediocre is the amount of time each person converts into added value to himself.
Humanity had to expand the limits of its consciousness to learn to ask the right questions.
Dreams of changing the world could only be realized by properly investing time into learning.
My charge to you and to anyone else who desire greatness is that you should not trivialize time.
Value time and convert it into greatness by investing it into learning and researching all that you can.
Begin to invest your time into research and studies about how you could impact your world positively because only through the proper conversion of time could you become great.
Every human being is either wasting time, spending time or investing time.
Anytime that cannot be accounted for is a wasted time.
People who know the value of time are always doing something valuable with their time.
If you have no product to show for your time, you are a time waster.
You can never become great living the life of a time waster.
When you spent your time, you are actually spending your life.
Any time that is spent or wasted is a life wasted or spent.
Any life wasted or spent is gone and it will never come back.
Whenever we lose time, we are actually losing our life.
Most people on earth are just spending time at work, in school or in church without having anything of value to show for it.
The only thing you have to show for a wasted or spent time is that you just realize that you are getting older.
When you can only remember the mundane things you did but do not have any valuable products to show for your time, then you are a time spender.
When you invest your time, you are investing your life.
When you invest your life, you are multiplying it.
You reproduce your life by reproducing your gifts and your talents.
When you reproduce yourself, you don’t spend your life, you multiply it.
The minimum you should do with your life is to at least reproduce it.
When you invest your time, you are pouring your life into others.
Greatness is not greater than you. You have total control over greatness. You can decide to be great and it will happen.