Ralon didn't make anyone else put his tack away? Alex wanted to know. You didn't see anything stra
~ Tamora Pierce
Mistresses, have you ever noticed that when we disagree with a male- I hesitate to say 'man'- or find ourselves in a position over males, the first comment they make is always about our reputations or our monthlies?
What people tell me they take away from my books is that they can shape their lives, they can achieve their own dreams. And certainly that's what I want them to take away.
I come from a dysfunctional family, so my views of parents and parenting used to be highly mixed.
Teen problem novels? I can go through them like a box of chocolates. And there are fantasy books out now that need a lot more editing. Fantasy got to be so popular that people began to think 'We don't need to be as diligent with the razor blade,' but they do.
My husband and I click wedding rings sometimes and say, 'By the power of the Castle of Greyskull!'