Remember the power is not in the leader of the group, but in the Creator of the universe.
~ Teresa Hampton
So that I could better remember these necessary attributes, I have put them in acrostic form as a memory tool:P - praiseR - repentance which is acknowledged through confessionA - appreciation or thanksgivingY - yielding to God's WillE - entreaty or supplicationR - renewal of fellowship with God
We see through the inspired pages that Jesus often stopped His very important, very urgent work, the work He was sent to do, in order to commune with His Father. It appears prayer was as vital to the Son of God as breathing air.
Prayer is a leader's best friend. Prayer gives her the best offensive strategy in doing the will of God. Prayer should be part of every moment of her life.
Remember that any functioning communication, and communication is a two-street; it requires my listening and my speaking. Our relationship with the Lord is no different. It requires my listening to God through a study of His word, and my speaking to God through diligent prayer.
Know the strength of the followers and tap into their energy. Get others involved. Trust them to do their best. Finally, don't forget to praise the workers.
But as much as we like the familiar, as leaders we must be willing to learn, and learning many times requires stretching, growing, and becoming a bit uncomfortable in the process.