Selling a new lie is easy, but not so with un-teaching an old truth.
~ Geoffrey Wood
In every human act of charity, something larger, greater, divine has come down to visit the act.
The Americans’ great wealth (and their great love for it) makes it precisely the appropriate metaphor. Supply and Demand as a principle has permeated their minds. As a practice, it stains all the way down to their souls.
They forget that for a Creator to create, He must be greater than His creation, thus He must be by definition not less than emotional.
When everything all in a moment comes together, surprisingly perfect, it doesn’t prove there’s a loving God; but if there is, isn’t it perfect when all in a moment, God proves how surprisingly He loves?
Why couldn't she have given him a sultry laugh as she'd seen women do in movies instead of giggling like some enchanted, mindless school girl?
~ Dawn M. Turner
Truth, with a capital T, was swapped for Fact with a capital F, then both lower-cased —facts the new trues.
Lying is second nature and I do it very well. Titus Ray, Chapter 5
~ Luana Ehrlich
Remember, this type doesn’t really believe He’ll forgive them, by repenting they are trying to earn what they do not think, in any case, He will pay.
Between the sands of time is a multitude of truths untold.
~ Jason E. Royle
the drama below and the drama above could easily collide at any moment
~ Ana Chapman
St John from the book of The Revelation “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark.
~ Joseph M. Chiron