One's feelings waste themselves in words they ought all to be distilled into action ... which bring results.
~ Florence Nightingale
Boast not of what thou would'st have done but do.
~ John Milton
I like to deliver more than I promise instead of the other way around.
~ Dorothy Uhnak
When I talked no one listened to me. But as soon as I acted I became persuasive and I no longer find anyone incredulous.
~ Giosue Borsi
If you can talk brilliantly about a problem it can create the consoling illusion that it has been mastered.
~ Stanley Kubrick
Words gain credibility by deed.
~ Terence
Men are alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they differ.
~ Molière
An acre of performance is worth a whole world of promise.
~ W. D. Howells
Well done is better than well said.
~ Benjamin Franklin
Our chief defect is that we are more given to talking about things than to doing them.
~ Jawaharlal Nehru
We have too many sounding words and too few actions that correspond with them.
~ Abigail Adams
Activity in back of a very small idea will produce more than inactivity and the planning of a genius.
~ James A. Worsham
When it comes to getting things done we need fewer architects and more bricklayers.
~ Colleen C. Barrett
Get good counsel before you begin and when you have decided act promptly.
~ Sallust
Ideas are one thing and what happens is another.
~ John Cage
Thinking about swimming isn't much like actually getting in the water. Actually getting in the water can take your breath away.
~ Barbara Sher
All worthwhile men have good thoughts good ideas and good intentions but precious few of them ever translate those into action.
~ John Hancock Field
A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all.
~ Georges Bernanos
To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult of all.
~ Johann Von Goethe
Unless a capacity for thinking be accompanied by a capacity for action a superior mind exists in torture.
~ Benedetto Croce
Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more think less and stop watching ourselves live.
~ Nicolas De Chamfort
What you theoretically know vividly realize.
~ Francis Thompson
We must not waste life in devising means. It is better to plan less and do more.
~ William Ellery Channing
The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.
~ Elbert Hubbard
We are always getting ready to live but never living.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Action will remove the doubt that theory cannot solve.
~ Tehyi Hsieh
It is a common observation that those who dwell continually upon their expectations are apt to become oblivious to the requirements of their actual situation.
~ Charles Sanders Peirce
He who deliberates fully before taking a step will spend his entire life on one leg.
~ Chinese Proverb
We don't have enough time to premeditate all our actions.
~ Vauvenargues
The opportunity is often lost by deliberating.
~ Publilius Syrus
To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.
~ Eva Young
Do not wait for ideal circumstances nor the best opportunities they will never come.
~ Janet Erskine Stuart
Do what you can with what you have where you are.
~ Theodore Roosevelt
Anything worth doing is worth doing too soon.
Now is the operative word. Everything you put in your way is just a method of putting off the hour when you could actually be doing your dream.
Common sense does not ask an impossible chessboard but takes the one before it and plays the game.
~ Wendell Phillips
I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to earth.
~ Pearl S. Buck
My evil genius Procrastination has whispered me to tarry 'til a more convenient season.
~ Mary Todd Lincoln
I realize that if I wait until I am no longer afraid to act write speak be I'll be sending messages on a ouija board cryptic complaints from the other side.
~ Audre Lorde
He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses.
~ Horace