If you allow any minute of your time to pass without converting it into products, you will soon realize that you just wasted a part of your life.
~ Sunday Adelaja
To automatically be promoted from one class to another without any serious self- discipline, and self- improvement is a cheap life.
A product is supposed to be what you are intentionally producing with your life at least every month.
Do not allow your life to diminish without reproducing it.
Do not allow your life to keep pouring out and reducing without converting it to tangible products.
The products your life must have could be in the form of scientific discoveries you have made.
The products your life must have could be in the form of perfecting your gifts and talents.
The products your life must have could be in the form of books you’ve read or teachings you listen to via audio or video.
The products your life must have could be in the form books you have written from the values you have added to yourself.
The products your life must have could be in the form of an improved character and virtue.
It is important that any value you add to yourself should be converted to tangible products that could benefit humanity.
It is better to purposefully spend time with people talking about things that could improve them or talk about things that could improve me than to just waste time discussing irrelevant things.
Our world is structured in such a way that you will be ignorant and unaware of the fact that your life is disappearing gradually and that you are left only with very little life and time.
There are so many things and people craving your attention such that you could so easily forget that you have a purpose to fulfill within a specified time on the earth.
Society has got a lot of activities and attractions to steal your time and to make you think less about your diminishing life.
You must begin to live your life by doing a comparative analysis between any two events in your life and making sure you are only investing your time into that event which adds more value to your life.
For you to be great, you must learn to convert every second of your life.
For you to be able to be fruitful, to multiply and saturate the earth with your products, you have to first know how to properly use the currency of time.
To properly invest your time, first find out your calling.
When you invest your time you will notice that you are being fruitful and that you are multiplying your life.
Since life is in time, since life is in seconds, minutes, and hours; that means to waste time is to waste life.
To lose time is to lose a life, so don’t waste time.
Greatness cannot be attained by wasting time on frivolities of life.
For you not to waste or spend your life, you must first begin to see time and life correctly.
For you not to waste or spend your life, you must first understand that time is life and life is time.
To see time and life correctly , you must begin to access life as seconds, as minutes and as hours.
To see time and life correctly, you must realize that whenever you waste a second, you are wasting life.
If you waste a minute, you have wasted life and if you waste an hour, you have wasted life.
For you to maximize time, you want to make sure that every second of the day that comes is converted into some products.
There is no ending to the number of products you can produce with your time if well invested.
For you to be great, you must live a life of self-consciousness all the time.
For you to be great, you must become conscious of what you are doing per time.
For you to be great, you must make sure that every second of your life counts.
You will need to invest every bit of your time into your destiny and purpose if you truly desire to be great.
The tradition of going to church every day of the week is not an indicator of greatness.
If that church is not adding value to your life, you may want to reconsider how often you go to church.
So the way to control your life is this; every minute you live, maybe you are in church; ask yourself “why am I here? What product am I producing by being here?” I know most Christians just go to church like dummies.
When you go to church, you are supposed to go to church to invest in people or to invest in yourself.
You are killing your life if you are not converting your time.
You are killing your life if you are just going through the traditions and routine of church services with no product to show for it.