The reason why most of your goals are probably not achieved is because you do not break down your goals into smaller units of work.
~ Sunday Adelaja
To be effective in fulfilling your goals, you must break them down into little tasks and then spend most of your time working on the task in front of you, instead of being overwhelmed by the enormity of the big goal.
Finish the most important tasks and stop wasting time on irrelevant activities.
To be an effective time user, you must make sure you are spending your time on only what is important.
Determine when you are most effective and energized, then plan your tasks within that time.
Make sure you understand when best you are effective and then schedule your most important tasks within that time of the day.
If you try to do a task at your odd hours, you will waste so much time only to find out that you did a poor job after all.
We live in a world where people are always busy but produce little or no results.
If you desire to be productive with your time, you should select a maximum of two things that are your highest priority, and plan time to work on them.
Turn down things that are in consistence with your priorities.
It is no use setting priorities if you won’t stick to them.
If you really want to be an effective time manager, you will have to learn to say no to other people and do so frequently.
Schedule time for focused effort.
The best way to effectively use time is to schedule it.
Whatever you have chosen to be your priority, set a time to it and be focused on achieving it.
Be always employed to something useful.
Always improve on things you do better and faster.
People who have become great like Benjamin Franklin only became great because they learned how to invest time into improving whatever it is they were called to do..
In order to gain mastery over whatever you have been called to do, you must look for ways of improving how you do them.
Greatness is born out of proper time management.
Most people do not know how to exchange their lives for external treasures.
In order to become great, one must understand the secret of time conversion.
The only instrument through which time could be converted to yield greatness is the instrumentality of work.
If you will exchange your life for greatness, if you will use the currency of time to buy greatness; then greatness will deliver to you every other thing you need in life.
If there is anything you need in life that you haven’t gotten, it is because you are yet to pay for it via the currency of time.
You can have anything you need in life, the only price you have to pay is for you to exchange your life for greatness and greatness will deliver that thing you need to you.
You must intercept the passing time well, hence it will fly away into vanity.
There is no great person in history who gained mastery in a particular skill without first investing so much time into perfecting that skill.
Greatness can only be bought through time.
Those who have become great have only discovered something that the rest of the world has not discovered.
Those who are great know a secret that the remaining lot do not know.
Greatness is not greater than you, you have total control over greatness.
Not only can you decide to be great, you also have the power to determine the height of your greatness.
The key to your greatness is under your control.
You are in charge of your life and how great you become is up to you.
Greatness can be bought with the currency of time.
People who have become great have only become great because they bought that greatness with time.
Anything anybody has was purchased with the currency of time.
Everything you have is bought by the currency of time.
Everything that you have was bought by the currency of time.