A nuclear-weapons-free world is the highest gift of humanity to the next generation.
~ Amit Ray
Our objective is to transform fear into hope and courage, hatred into love and respect.
I have a dream to make this world a better place to live for our unborn generations and that dream will come true through silent revolution - the revolution of positive actions and positive vibrations. Be a part of that revolution.
The real challenge of compassion, nonviolence and mindfulness is to love in adverse situation.
I dream, one day the consciousness of the countries will be so high that they will be ashamed to place military on the international borders. All international borders will be place for the tourist, gardeners and cultural celebration.
Line of control should be a garden, a place of art and cultural festival.
Line of control must be renamed as garden of love and the barbed wire fencing should be replaced by the garden of flowers.
Yoga is the best tool for international peace, health, harmony and human dignity.