Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
~ Stephen Richards
I mean everyone has a different opinion of you – so many boxes for you to fit into!
~ Stephen Richards
All your strength must come from within, because no external source can provide it.
~ Stephen Richards
It has been suggested that your true self is who you are when no one else is looking. True self is personal, true self is deep, true self is complete, true self is important.
~ Stephen Richards
Every day there are opportunities for me, and I take them.
~ Stephen Richards
Do what other successful people are doing, that is how you can be brilliant.
~ Stephen Richards
Don’t look on in awe, emulate your idols and become one in the process.
~ Stephen Richards
Words and statements work both ways - to build or destroy.
~ Stephen Richards
Whatever feelings you think you would have if your financial goals were met, feel them now!
~ Stephen Richards
Only when your old mental patterns have been ditched will you be able to put your ideas into action.
~ Stephen Richards
Thought awareness is the first step in the process of managing negative thoughts, as you cannot manage thoughts that you are unaware of.
~ Stephen Richards
If you want new results, get a new mindset!
~ Stephen Richards
Dreams are never too big, you will grow into them.
~ Stephen Richards
If you network you need to network with people who can help you.
~ Stephen Richards
Before you can make your dreams work, you have to get out of bed!!
~ Stephen Richards
I am successful and I love the fact that being successful allows me to choose the 'when', 'why', 'where' and 'how' of spending my time and energy.
~ Stephen Richards
No one is going to put their life on hold and do it for you – they are too busy frantically peddling their own lives along to stop and give you a hand.
~ Stephen Richards
Any ideas how we can develop a strategy for success? The answer is ... developing an action plan. It’s that simple!
~ Stephen Richards
Yes believe it or not all self-made millionaires have had to get their hands dirty at some point in their rags to riches story.
~ Stephen Richards
According to your strategy plan and how it looks is commensurate with how much effort you will apply to achieving success.
~ Stephen Richards
Split-second decision-making sets winners apart from losers.
~ Stephen Richards
Getting out of bed with a smile on your face most days is the start of being and knowing you are successful.
~ Stephen Richards
Perhaps you have an appetite to help others, to give of yourself so that others can have a better life ... and in so doing you yourself become successful.
~ Stephen Richards
A releasing statement works as though you are holding your belief tightly in your hand, then put your arm out and let it go! A releasing statement removes stumbling blocks from your mind, once done then you can use affirmations with success.
~ Stephen Richards
You don’t have to affirm the positive after you have released a negative belief!
~ Stephen Richards
It doesn't matter what other people think of you. What really matters is what you think of yourself.
~ Avis J. Williams
Nobody is really an expert, as we are all still learning.
~ Avis J. Williams
Opportunity for success never sleeps, just those not chasing it!
~ Stephen Richards
Success is simply a state of mind.
~ Stephen Richards
When you are focused on what you're doing, you are not going to miss the next opportunity ... it's more likely that you get more!
~ Stephen Richards