A star does not need words to tell the world what it can do, it just shines.
~ Matshona Dhliwayo
A star that is determined to shine cannot be hidden, not even by darkness.
A diamond is just a rock that refused to break under heat and pressure.
Be like stars; instead of cursing the darkness, shine.
A star earns the right to shine the day it is born.
You were born a winner, you decide whether you remain one or not.
The beauty that is in you is greater than the ugliness that is around you.
Your brightest light will take you to your greatest heights.
When your inner light shines your outer world glows.
Life is a dark stage on which you were born to shine.
It is better to be a star for one day than a moon for a lifetime.
One bright star is better than a thousand dull moons.
Light is a beautiful servant, darkness is a dangerous master.
It is impossible for light to bow before darkness.
You can curse the sun a thousand times, but cannot keep it from shining, even for a day.
The sky won’t shed tears if stars refuse to shine, it will wait for the sun.
It is not the size of the candle that matters, but the size of its light.
Be like stars; when darkness tries to stop you from shining, shine all the more.
Light cannot hide its beauty, not even in darkness.
If roses were not special weeds would not envy them.
God created sages because He wanted to leave the light on in the universe.
You cannot find what God has hidden,you cannot hide what God has revealed.The world deserves the light that’s within you,you deserve the light that you give to others.
You were saved by Christ to be a blessing to others and not to be a beggar. You are too loaded to fail. As such, face your fear head on and begin to shine.
~ Benjamin Suulola
Stars shine so they can see the world, not so the world can see them.
A star does not compete with other stars around it, it just shines.
No one can stop you from shinning if you are standing in your own light.
Light in your soul kindles the light in your world.
The heart smiles when the soul shines.
Make your mark in the world with divine ink: love.
The greater your inner light the brighter your outer world.
Your inner light is your brightest light.
To shine always love always.
Your inner light lights up your outer world.
Cursing the sun won't stop it from rising, neither will cursing the stars stop them from shining.
Be like the sun, it does not look for the spotlight, the limelight travels with it wherever it goes.
Stars do not shine on their friends alone.
A candle is at its brightest in the dark.
It is not the fault of the stars that they shine brightly, but the fault of our eyes that they cannot handle light.
Stars are not praised for shining during the day, but at night.
True beauty isn't what you put on your face, it’s what you put in people’s hearts.