I hope that I capture something in my work that is about the elusive, the magical and powerful and the transformative. The writing in itself is transformative for me.
~ H. Raven Rose
...the making of stories is only one part of my craft -mainly, I'm a heart whisperer...
~ John Geddes
The greatest artists express their inner self, an artist paints her rage, a writer pens his fear, a dancer expresses her sadness through movement, and a musician's loneliness echoes in his performance.
~ Gerard De Marigny
I have found that a writer is formed not so much by their experiences but by the way in which they view and capture those experiences.
~ Sophia Rose
The most lies we will ever tell in our lives will be to ourselves.
~ Carla H. Krueger
Writing isn't difficult. Writing well is difficult. What is most difficult is being with the interior experience that manifests as resistance to writing.